Ledtuning’s geschiedenis van de verlichting in een notendop.
How to find out what your Vinyl Records are worth?
Discogs is a site that has many members and a huge database of records. You can buy or sell vinyl via this site.
Popsike tracks bids on e-bay for records.
Vinyl shops in The Hague:
- Empire Records, Korte Houtstraat
I have a new (never unpacked) grammophone or turntable….with an adapter I can use it to digitize my vinyl collection… Behringer UFO202 audio interface USB is such an adapter.
Webmatros reviewed Divi and the conclusion is to not use Divi. Currently Divi is a heavily marketed WordPress theme that lets you design your own theme like Headway and Thesis……
Funny to see he went down the same road as I did: Thesis….fed up with their 2.0 release: Over to Headway with inconsistencies in their approach: And about a year ago I find out that Headway is slow and producing errors and change my two main sites to Twenty Sixteen. See Chairblog.
Webcreate reviews Wix, WordPress, Weebly, Squarespace and 5 other platforms.
De Werven alu en poly
Alumax Boten
Aluminiumboten-Sloepen Franeker
Alu Yard
Bellmarine.nlner”>De Stille Boot
E Boot
I Sloep
Kaag Lifeboat
Lamme (voorheen Amsterdam Boot)
Lekker Boat
Maxima Boats
Oudhuijzer Sloepen
Render Boats
Stormer Marine
Van Vossen Tenders
Weco Sloepen
Zuidwester Sloep
Staal vletten en sloepen traditioneel
AK Maritime
Elco, de Oudste
Four Electric Boat Motors Compared
Eelex Tessla of tthe Seas
180 PK Electric Outboard
> 5 KW Electric Outboards
Plugboats inboard electric Motors line up
Omtzicht, Sassenheim
Sloepen Specialist, Sliedrecht
Voorlopige conclusies