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Categorie: plugins

Articles on Page Speed

Articles on Page Speed

Plugins not able to create DB tables

WordPress FAQ Can’t write to DataBase

php warning creating default object from empty value in WordPress

A known Issue since WordPress 3.5 and probably when you upgrade to PHP 3.4.X
See WordPress.org : Troubleshooting WordPress 3.5.
And read what Nacin says about it.

Page Navigation in WordPress

Page Navigation in WordPress

I’m having problems since I’ve installed the paginator plugin and a simple link like chibeheer.com/page gives a 404 error…ehm actually it does not here but on another blog….

I’m jotting down links to the codex about:

Upgraded to Headway 3.5

Upgraded to Headway 3.5

I’ve upgraded from Headway 3.4.11 to Headway 3.5

Just a few comments:

  • They do not give the right version info in your WP dashboard. The correct link is Version 3.5 release notes
  • Seems impossible to resize the logo image. Also lost the logo image on my other blog
  • I’m stuck, as neither the grid visual editor or the design editor load correctly at my much bigger other site

Update June 20, 2013

Made a comment on their forum about the fact that I had an issue resizing the image of the logo.

Answers came quick:

These numbers are very low – PHP Memory Limit: 128M PHP Post Max Size: 8M They need to be at least 256M and 32M Also deactivate your caching plugin.


Besides: Vaultpress is a miracle. Just put Headway 3.4.11 back on Chair Blog via an earlier backup in Vaultpress. Just click one earlier instance and voila there you are.

Headway 3.5.1 fixed my problems

They immediately released Headway 3.5.1 with some changes and bug fixes.
The link in the WordPress dashboard to the release notes is correct now. And the second issue with disappearing header images is solved.

Might as well put a link to my profile there for eassy reference.

Mogelijk gemaakt door WordPress & Thema door Anders Norén