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Webmin for VPS administration

Webmin is a free open source VPS administration system.

More Thoughts on Thesis

A good link: Why You Really Don’t Know How to Use Thesis 2… and What You Need to Do About It.

Reading about the 960 Grid

Noted a post about the 960 Grid

Plone Vs WordPress

Plone vs WordPress Plone is a CMS system. Discovered it via Ian Claridge’s blog, which I mentioned in a couple of posts of Chairblog.

Technosailor about WordPress 3.5

Technosailor used to be a core WordPress developer. He wrote 10 things you need to know about WordPress 3.5.

Update: He assumed the final release of WordPress V3.5 would be on December 5, 2012, but WordPress missed that date.

Nielsen on T2

Nielsen is a Headway advocate, was a Thesis aficionado, but not so much anymore.

Blank Screen Editor in Thesis 2.0.2 and later versions

Thesis Skin Editor 2012-11-30 14-56-28

Blank Screen Editor in Thesis 2.0.2 and later versions

No problem with a blank screen here in Chi Beheer, but getting a blank skin editor in Firefox, IE and Chrome browsers at Chair Blog. However not in Safari. Moreover this is not a consistent problem. Sometimes it occurs and sometimes it doesn’t. Really frustrating.

Some further research revealed that a seed.txt and a seed.php existed in the wp-content/thesis folder. Taking the seed.txt of the two out made the skin editor visible in FireFox.

When I inter changed the seed.txt and seed.php file also visibility.

When I put both back together it again resulted in visibility.

Update: And it happens again after updating to T 2.0.3

Which in one way or another I was able to solve.

Update: And it happens again after updating to T

For those with access to the Thesis Forum here is the link to the forum post

Last edited by admin on December 10, 2012 at 11:51 pm

Thesis 2.0 Manuals

Slowly, but gradually DIY Themes is developping its T2.0 and T2.0.2 Manuals at DIYthemes.com

WordPress 3.5 Preview

And a link to a preview of the soon expected WordPress V3.5.
Curious to see the long awaited enhanced image handling of 3.5.

Another Helpful Thesis Site

Is DIY WP Blog, curious as to what actually their connection with DIY Themes is….

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Mogelijk gemaakt door WordPress & Thema door Anders Norén