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How to run Dos Programs in Windows 8.1

As XP is now without further support and let loose by Microsoft some DOS diehards like me need to execute dos programs in a 32 or 16 bit dos emulation.

Win 8.1 is on a newer computer usually in its 64 bits format….

In the fora I have seen 5 possible solutions:

  1. Run it in a Dos window of a 32 bit Windows 8.1 install
  2. Use Dosbox . See its wiki for more info.
    Windows claims Dosbox is compatible with its version 8.1. However it says DosBox version 1 is compatible whereas the current known DosBox version is 0.74. Weird
  3. The third possibility seems to use Window’s own Hyper Visor or Client hyper V. See also Bringing Hyper V to Windows
  4. Oracles Virtual Box maybe?
  5. VM ware player is mentioned as another alternative.

Still trying to figure it out.




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  1. Jan Hellings

    I use dosbox v0.72
    It is very good working and I have no problems, only the screen colors goes random when I end a game.
    I am using a Dell 2350 Intel core i7, and 12GB of memory.
    Also on my laptop, an Acer 7530 it works fine.
    I tried VMWare, but thats dificult to install.

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